1 | <?php
2 |
3 | $us3bin = exec( "ls -d ~us3/lims/bin" );
4 | $us3etc = exec( "ls -d ~us3/lims/etc" );
5 | include_once "$us3bin/listen-config.php";
6 |
7 | // Get the US3 system release of latest file on download site
8 | $s_cmd1 = "ssh us3@ultrascan.uthscsa.edu 'ls -t /srv/www/htdocs/ultrascan3/software/*4.0*";
9 | $s_cmd1 = "$s_cmd1 | sed -n 1p | cut -d\- -f3" . "'";
10 | $s_cmd2 = exec( $s_cmd1 );
11 | $sysrev = $s_cmd2;
12 |
13 | // Global variables
14 | $notice_db = "us3_notice";
15 | $dbhost = "localhost";
16 | $dbuser = "root";
17 | $dbpassw = exec( "cat ~/.sec/.pwsq" );
18 |
19 | // Produce some output temporarily, so cron will send me message
20 | $now = time();
21 | echo "Time started: " . date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $now ) . "\n";
22 |
23 | // Read and parse the local notice file
24 |
25 | $n_fname = "$us3etc/us3-notice.xml";
26 | $fh = fopen( $n_fname, "r" );
27 | $xml = fread( $fh, filesize( $n_fname ) );
28 |
29 | $parser = new XMLReader();
30 | $parser->xml( $xml );
31 |
32 | $notices = array();
33 | $keys = array();
34 |
35 | echo "=====START of PARSE LOOP===== \n";
36 | while( $parser->read() )
37 | {
38 | $n_type = $parser->nodeType;
39 | //echo "n_type=$n_type \n";
40 |
41 | if ( $n_type == XMLReader::ELEMENT )
42 | {
43 | $name = $parser->name;
44 | //echo "name=$name \n";
45 |
46 | if ( $name == "notice" )
47 | {
48 | $type = $parser->getAttribute( "type" );
49 | //echo " type=$type \n";
50 | $parser->moveToAttribute( "revision" );
51 | $rev = $parser->value;
52 | //echo " rev=$rev \n";
53 | if ( $rev == "latest" )
54 | $rev = $sysrev;
55 | //echo " rev=$rev \n";
56 |
57 | $key = $type . $rev;
58 | $notices[ $key ] = array();
59 | //echo " key=$key \n";
60 | }
61 | }
62 |
63 | else if ( $n_type == XMLReader::TEXT )
64 | {
65 | $msg = $parser->readString();
66 | //echo " msg=+++$msg+++ \n";
67 | $len = strlen( $msg );
68 |
69 | if ( $len > 0 )
70 | { // Only add if not an empty message
71 | $msg = preg_replace( "/\@revision/", $rev, $msg );
72 | $msg = preg_replace( "/'/", "\\'", $msg );
73 | $notices[ $key ][ 'type' ] = $type;
74 | $notices[ $key ][ 'rev' ] = $rev;
75 | $notices[ $key ][ 'msg' ] = $msg;
76 | $notices[ $key ][ 'act' ] = 'add';
77 | $notices[ $key ][ 'id' ] = '0';
78 |
79 | $keys[] = $key;
80 | }
81 | }
82 | }
83 |
84 | $parser->close();
85 | echo "=====END of PARSE LOOP===== \n";
86 |
87 | // Get data from notice DB. Update the action field to
88 | // reflect which action is required on each entry:
89 | // "add" - is only present in file (add to DB);
90 | // "del" - is only present in DB (delete from DB);
91 | // "upd" - present in both, but messages differ (update in DB);
92 | // "none" - present in both and messages identical (no DB update).
93 |
94 | $noteLink = mysql_connect( $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassw );
95 |
96 | if ( ! mysql_select_db( $notice_db, $noteLink ) )
97 | {
98 | echo "Could not select DB $notice_db - " . mysql_error() . "\n";
99 | exit();
100 | }
101 |
102 | $query = "SELECT id, type, revision, message FROM notice";
103 |
104 | $result = mysql_query( $query, $noteLink )
105 | or die( "Query failed : $query<br />" . mysql_error() );
106 |
107 | echo "=====START of DB QUERY LOOP===== \n";
108 | $num_rows = mysql_num_rows( $result );
109 |
110 | echo " numrows = $num_rows \n";
111 | while ( list( $id, $type, $rev, $msg ) = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
112 | {
113 | $key = $type . $rev;
114 |
115 | if ( in_array( $key, $keys ) )
116 | { // Entry is in both file and DB
117 | $msgf = $notices[ $key ][ 'msg' ];
118 | $notices[ $key ][ 'id' ] = $id;
119 | $notices[ $key ][ 'type' ] = $type;
120 | $notices[ $key ][ 'rev' ] = $rev;
121 |
122 | if ( strcmp( $msg, $msgf ) == 0 )
123 | { // Messages match, so no update is needed
124 | $notices[ $key ][ 'act' ] = 'none';
125 | }
126 | else
127 | { // Messages differ, so DB entry must be updated
128 | $notices[ $key ][ 'act' ] = 'upd';
129 | $notices[ $key ][ 'msg' ] = $msgf;
130 | echo " msg = ++$msg++\n";
131 | echo " msgf = ++$msgf++\n";
132 | }
133 | }
134 |
135 | else
136 | { // Entry is only in DB, so a delete is needed
137 | $notices[ $key ] = array();
138 | $notices[ $key ][ 'id' ] = $id;
139 | $notices[ $key ][ 'type' ] = $type;
140 | $notices[ $key ][ 'rev' ] = $rev;
141 | $notices[ $key ][ 'act' ] = 'del';
142 | $notices[ $key ][ 'msg' ] = $msg;
143 | $keys[] = $key;
144 | }
145 | }
146 | echo "=====END of DB QUERY LOOP===== \n";
147 |
148 | echo "=====START of DB Update LOOP===== \n";
149 | foreach ( $keys as $key )
150 | {
151 | $type = $notices[ $key ][ 'type' ];
152 | $rev = $notices[ $key ][ 'rev' ];
153 | $act = $notices[ $key ][ 'act' ];
154 | $id = $notices[ $key ][ 'id' ];
155 | $msg = $notices[ $key ][ 'msg' ];
156 | $len = strlen( $msg );
157 | echo "-- key=$key --\n";
158 | echo " type: $type \n";
159 | echo " rev: $rev \n";
160 | echo " act: $act \n";
161 | echo " id: $id \n";
162 | // echo " msg: $msg \n";
163 | echo " msg: ( $len characters ) \n";
164 |
165 | if ( $act == "add" )
166 | { // Must add the entry to the database
167 | $query = "INSERT INTO notice " .
168 | "SET type='$type', revision='$rev', message='$msg'";
169 | }
170 | else if ( $act == "del" )
171 | { // Must delete the entry from the database
172 | $query = "DELETE FROM notice WHERE id='$id'";
173 | }
174 | else if ( $act == "upd" )
175 | { // Must update an existing entry in the database
176 | $query = "UPDATE notice " .
177 | "SET message='$msg' " .
178 | "WHERE id='$id'";
179 | }
180 | echo " query: [ $query ] \n";
181 |
182 | $result = mysql_query( $query, $noteLink )
183 | or die( "Query failed : $query<br />" . mysql_error() );
184 |
185 | }
186 | echo "=====END of DB Update LOOP===== \n";
187 |
188 | ?>