= Subversion Info = Checkout from subversion with: svn co svn+ssh://bcf.uthscsa.edu/us3_gridctl/trunk bin or if you just want the files once: svn export svn://bcf.uthscsa.edu/us3_gridctl/trunk bin change the final 'us3_gridctl' above to any directory name you desire. It will be created in the current directory. To pass a different user to an ssh access to svn, use svn co svn+ssh://username@bcf.uthscsa.edu/us3_gridctl/trunk bin If you use: svn co svn://bcf.uthscsa.edu/us3_gridctl/trunk bin you will be able to get updates with: svn update but you will not be able to check anything into the system. When you are creating a new file or directory, you need to tell the SVN server about it. {{{svn add }}} When adding a file to svn, be sure to set attributes (on text files): {{{svn propset svn:keywords "LastChangedDate Author" }}} For more details on subversion see the on-line book at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn-book.html