send(); $xml = $post->getResponseBody(); } catch ( HttpException $e ) { // write_log( "$self: Cluster Status not available" ); return ""; } return $xml; } // Parse the xml function parse( $xml ) { global $data; $data = array(); $x = new XML_Array( $xml ); $d = $x->ReturnArray(); if ( ! isset( $d[ 'summaries' ] ) ) exit(); // Bad input foreach ( $d[ 'summaries' ] as $item ) { $a = Array(); $a[ 'queued' ] = $item[ 'waitingJobs' ]; $a[ 'running' ] = $item[ 'runningJobs' ]; if ( $a[ 'queued' ] == "" || $a[ 'queued' ] < 0 ) $a[ 'queued' ] = 0; if ( $a[ 'running' ] == "" || $a[ 'running' ] < 0 ) $a[ 'running' ] = 0; $clusterParts = explode( ".", $item[ 'resourceId' ] ); $cluster = preg_replace( '/\d+$/', "", $clusterParts[ 0 ] ); if ( $cluster == 'uthscsa-bcf' ) $cluster = 'bcf'; if ( $cluster == 'uthscsa-alamo' ) $cluster = 'alamo'; $a[ 'cluster' ] = $cluster; switch ( $item[ 'resourceStatus' ] ) { case 'UP' : $status = "up"; break; case 'DOWN' : $status = "down"; break; case 'WARN' : $status = "warn"; break; case 'FAILED' : default : $status = "unknown"; break; } $a[ 'status' ] = $status; $data[] = $a; } } // Put it in the DB function update( $cluster, $queued, $status, $running ) { global $dbhost; global $guser; global $gpasswd; global $gDB; global $self; $gfac_link = mysql_connect( $dbhost, $guser, $gpasswd ); $result = mysql_select_db( $gDB, $gfac_link ); if ( ! $result ) { write_log( "$self: Could not connect to DB $gDB" ); echo "Could not connect to DB $gDB.\n"; exit(); } $query = "SELECT * FROM cluster_status WHERE cluster='$cluster'"; $result = mysql_query( $query, $gfac_link ); if ( ! $result ) { write_log( "$self: Query failed $query - " . mysql_error( $gfac_link ) ); echo "$self: Query failed $query - " . mysql_error( $gfac_link ) . "\n"; exit(); } $rows = mysql_num_rows( $result ); if ( $rows == 0 ) // INSERT { $query = "INSERT INTO cluster_status SET " . "cluster='$cluster', " . "queued=$queued, " . "running=$running, " . "status='$status'"; } else // UPDATE { $query = "UPDATE cluster_status SET " . "queued=$queued, " . "running=$running, " . "status='$status' " . "WHERE cluster='$cluster'"; } $result = mysql_query( $query, $gfac_link ); if ( ! $result ) { write_log( "$self: Query failed $query - " . mysql_error( $gfac_link ) ); echo "$self: Query failed $query - " . mysql_error( $gfac_link ) . "\n"; } } // Get local cluster status function local_status() { global $self; global $data; // $clusters = array( "alamo", "jacinto" ); $clusters = array( "alamo", "lonestar", "stampede", "comet", "gordon", "juropa" ); //$clusters = array( "alamo", "lonestar", "stampede", "comet", "gordon", "jureca" ); // $clusters = array( "alamo" ); foreach ( $clusters as $clname ) { $a = Array(); /** if ( $clname == "alamo" ) { $qstat = `ssh $clname '/usr/bin/qstat -B 2>&1|tail -1'`; $sparts = preg_split( '/\s+/', $qstat ); $que = $sparts[ 3 ]; $run = $sparts[ 4 ]; $sta = $sparts[ 10 ]; } else { $qstat = `ssh $clname '/opt/torque/bin/qstat -B 2>&1|tail -1'`; $sparts = preg_split( '/\s+/', $qstat ); $que = $sparts[ 3 ]; $run = $sparts[ 4 ]; $sta = $sparts[ 9 ]; } //echo "$self: cln que run sta $clname $que $run $sta \n"; if ( $sta == "Active" ) { $sta = "up"; } else { $sta = "down"; $que = "0"; $run = "0"; } *a*/ switch( $clname ) { case 'alamo': { $host = ""; $qstat = `ssh $host '/usr/bin/qstat -B 2>&1|tail -1'`; $sparts = preg_split( '/\s+/', $qstat ); $que = $sparts[ 3 ]; $run = $sparts[ 4 ]; $sta = $sparts[ 10 ]; if ( $sta == "Active" ) $sta = "up"; else $sta = "down"; break; } case 'stampede': { $host = ""; $qstat = `ssh $host '/usr/local/bin/showq 2>&1|tail -1'`; $sparts = preg_split( '/\s+/', $qstat ); $tot = $sparts[ 2 ]; $run = $sparts[ 5 ]; $que = $sparts[ 8 ]; $sta = "up"; if ( $tot == '' || $tot == '0' ) $sta = "down"; break; } case 'lonestar': { $host = ""; $qstat = `ssh $host 'showq 2>&1|tail -1'`; $sparts = preg_split( '/\s+/', $qstat ); $tot = $sparts[ 2 ]; $run = '0'; $que = '0'; $sta = "up"; if ( $tot == '' || $tot == '0' ) { $sta = "down"; } else { $run = $sparts[ 5 ]; $que = $sparts[ 8 ]; } break; } case 'comet': { $host = ""; $qstat = `ssh $host '/usr/bin/sinfo -s -p compute -o "%a %F" 2>&1|tail -1'`; $sparts = preg_split( '/\s+/', $qstat ); $sta = $sparts[ 0 ]; $knts = $sparts[ 1 ]; $sparts = preg_split( '/\//', $knts ); $run = $sparts[ 0 ]; $que = $sparts[ 1 ]; break; } case 'gordon': { $host = ""; $qstat = `ssh $host '/opt/torque/bin/qstat -B 2>&1|tail -1'`; $sparts = preg_split( '/\s+/', $qstat ); $que = $sparts[ 3 ]; $run = $sparts[ 4 ]; $sta = $sparts[ 10 ]; if ( $sta == "Active" ) $sta = "up"; else $sta = "down"; break; } case 'juropa': { $host = ""; $qstat = `ssh $host '/usr/bin/qstat -B 2>&1|tail -1'`; $sparts = preg_split( '/\s+/', $qstat ); $que = $sparts[ 3 ]; $run = $sparts[ 4 ]; $sta = $sparts[ 9 ]; if ( $sta == "Scheduling" ) $sta = "up"; else $sta = "down"; break; } case 'jureca': { $host = ""; $qstat = `ssh $host '/usr/bin/sinfo -s -p batch -o "%a %F" 2>&1|tail -1'`; $sparts = preg_split( '/\s+/', $qstat ); $sta = $sparts[ 0 ]; $knts = $sparts[ 1 ]; $sparts = preg_split( '/\//', $knts ); $run = $sparts[ 0 ]; $que = $sparts[ 1 ]; break; } } if ( $sta == "down" ) { $que = "0"; $run = "0"; } $a[ 'cluster' ] = $clname; $a[ 'queued' ] = $que; $a[ 'running' ] = $run; $a[ 'status' ] = $sta; $data[] = $a; if ( $clname == 'alamo' ) { $a[ 'cluster' ] = $clname . "-local"; $data[] = $a; } } } class XML_Array { var $_data = Array(); var $_name = Array(); var $_rep = Array(); var $_parser = 0; var $_level = 0; var $_index = 0; function XML_Array( &$data ) { $this->_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_object ( $this->_parser, $this ); xml_parser_set_option ( $this->_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false ); xml_set_element_handler ( $this->_parser, "_startElement", "_endElement" ); xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->_parser, "_cdata" ); $this->_data = array(); $this->_level = 0; if ( ! xml_parse( $this->_parser, $data, true ) ) return false; xml_parser_free( $this->_parser ); } function & ReturnArray() { return $this->_data[ 0 ]; } function _startElement( $parser, $name, $attrs ) { if ( $name == "resourceHealth" ) { ## $name .= $this->_index; $this->_index++; } if ( ! isset( $this->_rep[ $name ] ) ) $this->_rep[ $name ] = 0; $this->_addElement( $name, $this->_data[ $this->_level ], $attrs ); $this->_name[ $this->_level ] = $name; $this->_level++; } function _endElement( $parser, $name ) { if ( isset( $this->_data[ $this->_level ] ) ) { $this->_addElement( $this->_name[ $this->_level - 1 ], $this->_data[ $this->_level - 1 ], $this->_data[ $this->_level ] ); } unset( $this->_data[ $this->_level ] ); $this->_level--; $this->_rep[ $name ]++; } function _cdata( $parser, $data ) { if ( $this->_name[ $this->_level - 1 ] ) { $this->_addElement( $this->_name[ $this->_level - 1 ], $this->_data[ $this->_level - 1 ], str_replace( array( ">", "<",""", "&" ), array( ">" , "<" , '"' , "&" ), $data ) ); } } function _addElement( &$name, &$start, $add = array() ) { if ( ( sizeof( $add ) == 0 && is_array( $add ) ) || ! $add ) { if ( ! isset( $start[ $name ] ) ) $start[ $name ] = ''; $add = ''; } $update = &$start[ $name ]; if ( is_array( $add) && is_array( $update ) ) $update += $add; elseif ( is_array( $update ) ) return; elseif ( is_array( $add ) ) $update = $add; elseif ( $add ) $update .= $add; } } ?>